I.C.O.P. - Online Resources - Events/Entertainment Sept.1, 2007

Reviving the Islamic Spirit - A celebration of our identity and Islamic faith. The premiere conference for Islamic and spiritual knowledge.

MuslimFest - Celebrating the best in Muslim arts and entertainment.

Islamic History Month Canada - Motivate and inspire Canadian Muslims to annually share their history, heritage and culture with fellow Canadians during one month.

Toronto Muslims - Lists the current Muslim community events, free of charge to everyone.

Ummah Films - Muslim film company striving to provide halal entertainment to muslims and non-muslims alike (Baba Ali)

Amir Sulaiman - Accomplished poet, activist, recording artist and 2 time HBO Def Poet.

Allah Made Me Funny - The official muslim comedy tour.

Aman Ali - Standup comedian that is not afraid to speak his mind.

Muslim Day @ Ontario Place - Annual event by United Muslims.

Muslim Day @ Canada's Wonderland




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